
I Love Led Zeppelin - Panty-Dropping Comics by Ellen Forney

I was keen to look into comics written by women, and this one was worth the search. As I went to pick up two other comics I had interlibrary loaned, I was recommended I Love Led Zeppelin by the reference librarian. I have had great luck with recommendations lately; Perhaps I should learn to trust strangers opinions more!

Anyhow, the book is lovely. The title of this collection of Forney's short works refers to the author's death fantasy of someone finding her tragically young and beautiful mangled corpse next to a wrecked car blasting Led Zeppelin. And shes right, if one is going to daydream about thier own demise, it might as well have a soundtrack that doesn't mortify her.

The collection starts with a series of how-to's including "How to Fuck a Woman with Your Hands" and "How D'ya Survive the Coming Chaos?" I snickered knowingly at the "How to Smoke Pot and Stay Out of Jail" comic's suggestion to hide your joint in a hollowed-out sharpie. Particularly interesting are Forney's illustrations of the stories told by her colorful, friends: on topics from Dan Savage's sex life to Grandma Florence's poetry about Scrabble. The five episode comic "What the Drugs Taught Me" is hilarious. Basically, for a light read, you cant beat Forney's style (which is just as hilarious today as it was in the early 90's). And I can't deny, I like a little sex and drugs in my comics, and maybe even a little Led Zeppelin.

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